Stéphane Chaudesaigues is a man who likes a challenge

On To The Next Thing

This first edition proved to be a great succes and we have made plans to attend next year's event on July 5 and 6, 2014.

We'll return to Chaudes-Aigues to hang out at Biche's of course, and to see if more oddities have been added to the facade of the Valdom house, rue Saint-Joseph.

Above all, we will be back to witness ink flow once again, and watch the water pour out of the town's hot spring fountain. ...


We caught up with Stéphane Chaudesaigues, in Chaudes-Aigues, a week after the festival had wrapped up.

The town seemed so empty and so silent then, but Stéphane was still riding on a high, because he already has his eye on the next thing: the 2014 edition of the Festival du Tatouage.

He has already lined up meetings with a number of regional public figures and influential people. “I always need a bone to gnaw on.” says Chaudesaigues, smiling as always.

“But this time, it's a dinosaur bone!” The tattooer with a thousand projects will probably gnaw all the way through this new bone, as he's done with other big bones before.

The first Festival du Tatouage was un undeniable success and we look forward to its next installment on July 5 and 6, 2014.



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